Jon Brough
027 648 2479
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Jon Brough - Strategy Implementation Partner
Jon has 40 years’ experience across agriculture, horticulture, seafood, meat, apiculture, food processing, retail, regional development, industry associations, and business mentoring.
Companies included range from NZ corporates to SMEs, from start ups to companies with issues.
He has significant international travel experience and has lived in 8 countries.
Jon has held senior positions in Operations, Sales & Marketing, Finance, Strategic Planning, General Management and ultimately CEO.
He has been Managing Director of his own contract management company for 20 years.
Jon has a BSc Hons and an MBA from Otago University.
“ From my own experiences I have learned the importance of people and team development, supported by good systems and processes.
When a company has these basics, plus good communication and good analysis of its real financial data it makes good decisions and achieve a good Life Balance”.
Jon wants to work with you to understand your business and how you operate it.
He knows he can rely on the wealth of knowledge throughout the Strategize team to advise him when their specialist knowledge can provide additional solutions.
“Let’s work together to best understand your business and how we can make it work for you in the very best possible way”.
"When a company has these basics, plus good communication and good analysis of its real financial data it makes good decisions and the owners and senior management achieve a good Life Balance”.
Free High Performance Business Assessment Check Valued at $395
We offer complimentary High Performance Business Health Check to Business Owners with our Strategizer Assessment Tool including latest Industry Benchmarking. This is a two hour session covering all areas of your business including Business Planning, Strategy, Structure, Culture, Marketing, Sales, Finance, Operations, Process and Systems. On average we find 11% to over 29% of extra profit from profit leakage or growth opportunities!
Please contact us below to book your session.